Ye Kingdome of Accawmacke
Or The Eastern Shore of Virginia in the 17th Century
This detailed history of the Virginia Eastern Shore, comprising Northampton and Accomack counties, begins with the discovery by Verrazano in 1624, and continues down to 1700. It covers the aboriginal inhabitants, the first settlement by whites about 1615, the establishment of a powerful colony of Dutch, German, and New England citizens, its remarkable industrial and trade development in the mid-17th century, and its flourishing mercantile intercourse with New England, New Netherlands, Holland, England and the West Indies which contrasts sharply with its present quiet isolation.
The text is laced with extracts from many contemporary documents, and there is an appendix with complete transcripts of several especially interesting 17th Century documents. The text has numerous explanatory footnotes and citations to sources. While there are no genealogists as such, there are numerous mentions of residents which are readily accessible via the complete name index. In addition, the appendix contains a listing of tithables in 1666. The author was a lawyer, soldier, and writer of numerous volumes of history and military science who had extensive roots in Accomack County.
Jennings Cropper Wise
ISBN: 9781556131172