Wheeler Reservoir Cemeteries [northern Alabama]
Wheeler Dam was originally started by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in the early 1930s; it was later taken over by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Reservoir completed. In the original survey by the Army, there were sixty-three cemeteries found to be removed. When TVA surveyed the same area, they found more cemeteries in the Madison, Marshall, Limestone, Morgan, Lauderdale and Lawrence Counties, Alabama area. The combined records were very confusing as the two organizations used different systems to record and gain permissions for removals. The best help in pulling these together were the original Field Note Books that the surveyors used. One item missing from this set of records that are found in the other TVA grave removals is the plat map of each of the cemeteries. The listing of names and dates, etc. are retained.
Example from this volume:
#33 – FLOWER HILL CEMETERY – Land Map #178. Sec. 22 T4S-R5W. This cemetery is located on the Joe Wheeler estate. Here follows the names of the 218 graves involved in this reservoir.
Surnames Included in this Publication: Alexander, Allen, Alleni, Allison, Armstrong, Baker, Ballentine, Barker, Barnes, Barth, Bass, Bellema, Betts, Bierns, Binford, Bird, Birril, Bishop, Black, Blackwell, Blair, Blevins, Bourland, Bowling, Bowman, Bradleston, Bradly, Bridgeforth, Brooks, Brown, Burgines, Burry, Burt, Bynum, Cagle, Campbell, Carter, Chambers, Chunn, Churnn, Clack, Clair, Clark, Cloud, Cloman, Coons, Cooper, Cooplin, Copeland, Couch, Cowan, Cox, Cunningham, Dake, Daney, Daniels, Davidson, Davis, Demphsy, Dillard, Dogger, Down, Dunkin, Dunne, Edwards, Ellison, Elliott, England, English, Fennel, Fisher, Fletcher, Fogg, Foster, Gamble, Garner, Barth, Gilchrist, Gill, Gom, Goodlow, Graham, Grantland, Gray, Grayton, Green, Griffin, Guyer, Hafley, Haraway, Hargrove, Harm, Harrington, Harris, Hasting, Hatton, Hearn, Heirs, Hensley, Highlower, Hill, Hines, Holly, Holmes, Hooks, Horton, Houston, Howard, Humes, Humphey, Hundley, Hussey, Ingram, Jackson, Jacobs, Jerett, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jonson, Jordan, Jude, Kalies, Kelly, Keys, Landmon, Lang, Lanier, Laughmailler, Law, Leach, Lee, Legg, Lehiman, Lewis, Lile, Linsay, Lipscomb, Lott, Love, Low, Lucas, Lyle, Lynch, McBay, McBee, McCoy, McCrosky, MacDerment, McDonald, McEntire, McIntosh, MacLemore, Malone, Manning, Martin, Mason, Massey, Matthew, Maury, Mayer, Mays, Mead, Metcalf, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morris, Mosley, Murphy, Neal, Nelson, Nevel, News, Newton, Norris, Oliver, Orr, Paints, Parker, Passenger, Patton, Payne, Peebles, Penland, Penny, Person, Pickett, Pillows, Points, Porter, Potloe, Powell, Powers, Precise, Pry, Ragland, Rance, Rather, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Richmond, Riddle, Risner, Roberts, Robinson, Rose, Ross, Rountree, Rowe, Roy, Royer, Russel, Sandefur, Sanford, Satchel, Scott, Scruggs, Seay, Sellers, Sewell, Shackelford, Sharp, Shaw, Shelton, Sherrod, Sikes, Silvie, Simons, Simpson, Slaughter, Smith, Stevens, Stover, Stuart, Stubbs, Stuckett, Sugg, Swoope, Tapscott, Tate, Taylor, Thach, Thatch, Thomason, Thompson, Thornton, Thurman, Timmons, Tisdale, Tolbert, Toney Townsend, Traup, Troup, True, Turner, Vaughn, Washington, Watkins, Watts, Weatherton, Webb, Weisner, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitfield, Wiggins, Williams, Wilson, Winton, Withers, Woodruff, Wright, Wynn, Wyrick, Yarborough, Yates, Young, Zeithler.
James L. Douthat
1987, 8.5″ x 11″, paper, surname index, 36 pp.
ISBN: 9780788498015