Twenty Families of Color in Massachusetts, 1742-1998
First published in hardcover in 1998, this book outlines twenty families of color in Massachusetts, including the descendants of Quawk Barbadoes; James E. Biddle; Isaiah Butler; Andrew Camps; John Ceasar; Joseph J. Fatal; John T. Hilton; Peter M. Howard; Aaron C. Joseph; William Kellogg; Primus Lew; Henry G. Lewis; Stephen Maddox; Betsy Raymond; Thomas Revaleon; George W. Ruffin; Carter Selden; Edward Skeene; James Monroe Trotter; and Amintus Weeden. According to Byron Rushing, former CEO of Boston’s Museum of Afro-American History, “Frank Dorman has . . . proven that the historical resources of the non-rich and non-famous are rich, pregnant and lying in wait to be delivered by the skillful use of traditional genealogical research combined with a respect for oral history.” Foreword by James O. Horton. Includes an every-name index.
Franklin A. Dorman
(1998), 2010, paper, 550 pp.
ISBN: 9780880822374