Tracts and other Papers, Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies [Virginia] in North America: Volume III
This volume comprises a collection of transcribed documents focusing on colonial Virginia. Document dates range from 1610-1688, providing unique perspectives on Virginia’s colonization, settlement, and development, both political and economic. The first document, “A True Declaration of the estate of the Colonie in Virginia, with a confutation of such scandalous reports as haue [have] tended to the disgrace of so worthy an enterprise,” details the attractions of Virginia’s abundant natural resources and temperate climate, as well as the hardships of colony life. The hazards of sea travel are related in a 1609 journey from London to Virginia made by Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Summers and Captaine Newport, with Sir George Summers landing off-course in the Bermuda Islands due to a violent storm. Other documents include: “The Colony in Virginea Britannia,” “A Declaration of the state of the Colonie and Affaires in Virginia: With the Names of the Aduentvrors…” (with an alphabetical list of names), “Orders and Constitvtions, partly collected out of his Maiesties Letters Patents…,” “A True Relation of Virginia and Mary-land; with the Commodities therein…,” “A Voyage to Virginia,” “Virginia: More especially the South part thereof…,” “A Letter from Mr. John Clayton Rector of Crofton at Wakefield in Yorkshire…,” “The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm…,” “Leah and Rachel, or, the Two Fruitful Sisters Virginia, and Mary-land…,” and “Virginia’s Cure: or an Advisive Narrative concerning Virginia.”
Peter Force
(1844), 2015, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, 424 pp.
ISBN: 9780788413407