Rains County [Texas] Leader, 1912
The genealogical gleanings in this volume from the 1912 Rains County Leader present a picture of life in Texas and the United States at the end of the Progressive Era. The decade of 1910-1920 was one of change; major issues were woman’s suffrage, progressive education, prohibition and labor conditions. This small weekly newspaper provides the genealogist or historian a window into the past. This window provides readers with a portrait of the lifestyles, social habits and political activity of the people. Everything from births, deaths and marriages to murders are preserved in this weekly accounting. The compiler has abstracted any mention of people’s names, locations or relationships in the hope that this reference will give the genealogist a vital fact relating to an ancestor or add “flesh” to the ancestral skeleton built with vital statistics. Hopefully, some of the recording herein will even give the researcher a clue that will break down that “brick wall” that has been blocking the research progress on a family line. The information is presented chronologically. A full-name index completes this work.
Elaine Nall Bay
(1998), 2013, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, index, 322 pp.
ISBN: 9780788410819