Northern Virginia Genealogy: Volume 2 Number 3, July 1997
This Northern Virginia Genealogy quarterly contains the following articles:
- Thomas Oden of Charles County, Maryland and Loudoun County, Virginia
- Virginians in the Baptismal Records of Holy Trinity Catholic (Georgetown) Washington, D. C., 1834 through 1840
- 1820 Manufacturers Census
- Southern Claim #5/706, Edward C. Turner, Fauquier County, Virginia
- Jane L. Reid (and Redmon Foster) Marrriage Contract
- Loudoun County, Chancery Suit Abstracts
- Caylor-Edwards Bible, Fairfax County, 1839-1941
- Queries by members
- Surname Exchange
Marty Hiatt, editor
1997, July
ISSN: 1085-9772