New England’s Memorial
Also Excerpts from Governor Bradford’s “History of Plymouth Colony”; Portions of Prince’s “Chronology”, Governor Bradford’s “Dialogue” and Governor Winslow’s “Visits to Massasoit”
This examination of early American history is inextricably tied to the history of the Pilgrims, their religion and their settlement at Plymouth. Nathaniel Morton came to Plymouth three years after the original settlement, and lived there for the remainder of his life. His was the first work ever published describing the early history of Plymouth and its founders over the first half-century of their coexistence, 1620 to 1668. In addition to what he himself provides, the author transcribes writings from other reliable sources, one of those being Governor Bradford, of whom it has been said that “no man stands better than he on the rolls of history, civil or ecclesiastical.” Contents include: New England’s Memorial, or a brief relation of the most remarkable passages of the Providence of God manifested to the Planters of New England in America, with special reference to the first colony thereof, called New Plimouth; Gov. Bradford’s History of Plymouth Colony; Introduction to the Ecclesiastical History of the Church of Christ at Plymouth in New England; New England Chronology, by Thomas Prince; Governor Bradford’s Dialogue; and, Visits to Massasoit. The extensive appendix includes: The labors of the Pilgrims and early settlers of the Plymouth Colony, for the instruction and conversion of the Indians; The Faith and Order of the Leyden-Plymouth Church, and their influence on other churches in England, and in this country; Congregationalism in Massachusetts; Congregationalism in England; The Address of Rev. Robert Vaughan; The Savoy Platform; Discipline and Order of the English Churches; Principles of Church Order and Discipline; The Phillips Family; The Articles of Faith and Covenant of 1629, and of 1636; Extracts from Rev. Joseph Hunter’s recent work, entitled Collections concerning the church or congregation of Protestant Separatists formed at Scrooby, in North Nottinghamshire, in the time of King James I; Gov. Winslow’s account of the natives of New England; and, A Description of Plymouth, by De Rasieres, an ambassador from the Dutch at Manhattan, in 1627. An index to full-names, places and subjects adds to the value of this work.
Nathaniel Morton
(1855, 1997), 2013, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, indices, 540 pp.
ISBN: 9780788407055