Maryland Naturalization Abstracts, Volume 2: The County Court of Maryland, 1779-1851; The US Circuit Court for Maryland, 1790-1851
This series contains abstracts of naturalizations, declarations of intent, reports and registrations, and other instruments filed by immigrants and recorded in Maryland County Courts and Federal Circuit Courts between the end of the American Revolution and 1851. Abstracts for Baltimore City and County are in Volume 1; this volume covers the rest of Maryland. Each entry gives the immigrant’s name and country of origin and the type of instrument. Some records include the name of the spouse, children, name of the village or town of their former country, or their profession if any. In some instances these entries have been supplemented with information found in the censuses of 1850 and 1860. Nearly 8,000 entries are included.
Robert A. Oszakiewski
(1996, 2001), 2014, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, alphabetical, 394 pp.
ISBN: 9781585493432