Map Guide to Luxembourg Parish Registers
The Map Guide to Luxembourg Parish Registers does the following:
- Identifies the major online resources for Luxembourg genealogical research.
- Identifies each canton, its communes, and populated areas with the names in French, German and Luxembourgish.
- Visually identifies Catholic church parishes within each canton.
- Provides an overview of Luxembourg genealogical records.
- Identifies neighboring parishes, just in case your ancestor may have gone to an alternate parish.
- Aids in conduction of area searches, particularly across district and canton borders.
- Provides visual identification of search areas in which to look for your family.
- Helps in determining proximity of one area to another.
- Every canton is mapped to show where each commune lies.
- Identifies archives, repositories, and other resources
- Identifies important gazetteers and online dictionaries available to researchers
Kevan M. Hansen
2016, paper, 180 pp.
ISBN: 9781628590791