Magazine of Virginia Genealogy: Volume 27, Numbers 1-4, 1989
Articles include:
- Albemarle Court Orders, 1744/5-1748 (continued)
- Appomattox Civil War Veterans From the 1910 Census
- Bedford Affidavit by Little Berry Wright [now] of Meade Co., Ky.
- Buckingham Surviving Records of Tillotson Parish, 1771-1796
- Charles City A Bowry Family of Charles City County, Virginia
- Charlotte John and Joseph Dupuy Accounts, 1771-1796
- Halifax Voters 1800, 1804, 1808, and 1812
- Madison Heirs of Bathsheba McGehee
- Mecklenburg A Mecklenburg County, Virginia Migration
- NansemondQuaker Visitations, 1737-1794
- Norfolk Christ Church Deeds for Pews, 1828
- Princess Anne Tithables and Other Taxable Property, 1784
- Stafford Chappawamsic Baptist Church Records, 1799-1844
- Stafford Quit Rent Roll, c.1742
- Lodged Land Surveys (continued)
- Virginia Land Patent Books 22, 23 and 24 (1743-1747)
- Watchman of the South Obituaries, 1842
- Early 17th Century Dawkes and Leighs in Virginia
- Damages Inflicted on Civilian Property During the Siege of York
- Lovelace Family Records
- South of James River
- Some Speculation on a Dickens/Washington Connection
- The Three Families of George Key of Louisa, Bedford and Henry Counties
- Demse Carrell: A Study
Virginia Genealogical Society
1989, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, index, 312 + 68 pp.
ISSN: 0743-8095 [27]