Lewis County, Missouri Index to Circuit Court Records, Volume 1 and 2
Lewis County was created from Marion County on January 2, 1833 and was named after Captain Meriwether Lewis, Missouri Territorial Governor. Our ancestors went to court often. They petitioned to foreclose mortgages, garnish debts, partition land, file conveyances, free slaves, dispute wills, and were charged with gambling, slander, manslaughter, grand larceny and lesser crimes. Many of the cases listed in old court records do not include the names of anyone other than that of the plaintiff or the defendant, but give insight to lives of our ancestors as individuals. This work was created from Volume One, 1833-1841, and Volume Two, 1841-1851 of the Circuit Court. The general index which appears in the front of the original Circuit Court volumes contains basically the persons named on the causes, or the conveyances. The names of witnesses, securities, arbitrators, jurors and other involved parties have been abstracted to create a more complete index.
Sherida K. Eddlemon
(1994), 2016, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, index, 136 pp.
ISBN: 9781556139840