Les Combattants Francais De La Guerre Americaine, 1778-1783
Listes etablies d’apres les documents authentiques deposes aux Archives Nationales et aux Archives du Ministere de la Guerre
The United States of America honors the events of the American Revolution and the memory of those who participated in it. Founded in 1889, the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was created “to perpetuate the memory of the men who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, have achieved the work of independence; to unite the descendants of these men and to create between them the bonds of friendship and good-fellowship…” as well as other lofty principles.
Mr. Paul Wentworth Linebarger desired to create sections of this society in France. In order to do so, it was necessary to reconstitute the lists of the French soldiers and sailors who took part in the war for American independence. A commission was created to search the French Archives Nationales (National Archives) and the Archives du Ministere de la Guerre (Archives of the Ministry of War) and recreate these lists. This volume, written primarily in French with some English translations, presents these lists as well as historical background into the relationship between France and America during this time period. A full name index provides easy access to individual names.
Also available on CD-ROM.
(1905), 2012, 7″ x 10″, paper, 476 pp.
ISBN: 9780788495014