Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1810 Census
A faithful and accurate transcription of the first surviving census for Isle of Wight County, Virginia, since both the 1790 and 1800 censuses have been lost.
Surnames from Isle of Wight County, Virginia 1810 Census: Adderson, Almond, Ames, Andrews, Anthony, Applewhaite, Askew, Atkinson, Babb, Backhurst, Bagnal, Baker, Ballard, Barber, Barlow, Barrott, Battin, Beal, Beatman, Benn, Bennett, Bidgood, Blair, Blunt, Bonas, Bonus, Bowcock, Bowden, Bowen, Bowls, Bownd, Bowyer, Boykin, Braces, Bracey, Bradley, Bradshaw, Branbey, Branch, Brantley, Braswell, Brewer, Bridger, Britt, Broadfields, Brock, Browne, Bryant, Bullock, Bunchley, Busby, Butler, Butt, Byrd, Campbell, Caretaphen, Carr, Carrol, Carroll, Carson, Casey, Cawson, Chambers, Channel, Chapman, Clark, Clayton, Clements, Cocke, Cofer, Coffield, Coggin, Cooke, Copeland, Corbell, Corbett, Cornwell, Cosby, Council, Councill, Counsel, Cowper, Cox, Crocker, Crump, Crumpler, Cruse, Cunningham, Cutchins, Daniel, Darby, Darden, Daughtrey, Davis, Day, Delauney, Delk, Denson, Derring, Dews, Dick, Dixon, Dobbs, Downing, Driver, Duck, Duggin, Dunstan, Easson, Edwards, Eley, Elliot, Ellis, Elsbury, Everitt, Fiveash, Flake, Fletcher, Flood, Footit, Fowler, Fry, Fullgham, Fullghan, Gale, Gaskins, Gay, Geddy, Gibbs, Gilchrist, Giles, Glover, Godwin, Goodrich, Goodson, Goodwin, Gordon, Gray, Green, Griffin, Groce, Groes, Gwaltney, Hadsden, Hall, Hamlin, Hampton, Hancock, Hardey, Hardin, Hardy, Hargrave, Harris, Harriss, Harrisson, Hatchwell, Hatton, Hawkins, Haywood, Heath, Herring, Hicks, Hill, Holden, Holladay, Holland, Hollawell, Holliman, Holsford, Hubard, Hudson, Hunt, Hunter, Hynes, Inglish, Jameson, Jarden, Jefferson, Jinkins, John, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolliff, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Judkins, Kimbral, King, Lankford, Lattimer, Lawrence, Layler, Leister, Lightfoot, Little, Maddrey, Mahone, Mallory, Marshall, Matthene, Matthews, McClenny, McCoy, McWilliams, Meador, Mears, Mercer, Milby, Mills, Mintey, Minton, Montford, Montgomery, Moodey, Morriss, Morrisson, Mountford, Murphrey, Murry, Narsworthy, Nelms, Nelson, Neman, Nevell, Newbey, Newbi, Newman, Nicholson, Outland, Owen, Parker, Parkerson, Parnal, Parr, Pastures, Payne, Pedin, Peirce, Perkins, Perry, Phillips, Pike, Pinhorne, Pinner, Pitt, Pittman, Pitts, Ponsonby, Poole, Pope, Powell, Pressey, Prettow, Proctor, Provins, Pruden, Purdie, Randolph, Reade, Revell, Reynolds, Rhodes, Ripley, Roberts, Robinson, Rose, Saunders, Scott, Seagar, Seeds, Shepherd, Shivers, Sikes, Sinclair, Smelly, Smith, Southall, Spencer, Spivey, Spratley, Stallings, Stamp, Stephens, Stephenson, Stott, Stringfield, Sumner, Tallough, Taylor, Thomas, Todd, Tomlin, Turner, Tynes, Underwood, Urqwhart, Vaughan, Vellines, Wade, Wail, Waltham, Ward, Waterfield, Watkins, Webb, Welch, West, Weston, Westray, Weyzel, Wheadon, White, Whitehead, Whitfield, Whitley, William, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Womble, Woodley, Wootten, Wrench, Wrenn, Wright, Wyzel, Wyzell, Young.
John Vogt