Hight-Hite Families of Sussex and Surry Counties, Virginia from about 1634
This book can be a very useful tool for genealogists with over 1,333 descendants of John Hite, who came to Virginia in 1656, of which 698 are Hights and 304 Hites (all of the same family, but varied spellings); and 495 other surnames including fifty-three Thompsons, thirty-three Johnsons, twenty-eight Smiths, twenty-five Wallaces, twenty-two Wells, twenty-one Wilkensons and twenty Willhites, and also the surnames: Acres, Augusta, Bacon, Chambly, Cotton, Demastus, Duffer, Gee, Hurlow, Hopkins, Hudson, Jones, Maben, McDaniel, Neblett, Sheffield, Simmons, and Ystrom can be found. At each generation, efforts have been made to provide data for researchers interested in going back in time. At any generation where you find a relative, you can go back to that person’s parent, and then backward to the very first Hight. This makes it possible for genealogists working in many states to find an entry from which they can track an ancestor for as many as eleven generations.
One unique aspect of this genealogy is a “Chronology of Early Hights,” wherein, aside from names and dates, there are listed events, documents, or record entries, with book, page, county, state and title information, so that the researcher may go to the cited sources and obtain photocopies of important documents if he or she wishes. Also included in this most thorough genealogy are extracts from the Albemarle Register (1747-1774) which include names of children christened, with their sponsors or godparents. Although the Register has been printed several times, apparently no one else had investigated the relationship of the sponsors to the christened children. The author has found that these sponsors typically turned out to be aunts or uncles of the christened children and with this information the researcher could glean the maiden names of the children’s mothers. In addition to abstracts from the Register, there are others from other pertinent documents as well, including marriage records from Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee and also deeds and other documents from the official records of Virginia and Georgia. Complete with a full-name cross-index of 2,786 names, this genealogy is a must for anyone who has an interest in the Virginia Hight-Hite family and those related families who traveled to Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, North Carolina and beyond.
Robert E. Wallace
(1993), 2016, 8.5″ x 11″, paper, 188 pp.
ISBN: 9781556139000