Germans to America and the Hamburg Passenger Lists: Coordinated Schedules
This index combines information from two of the best German immigration sources available today, Germans to America and The Hamburg Passenger Lists. Germans to America, published in 1988, is an index of names of Germans on the ships’ passenger lists filed at ports of arrival in the United States. The book spared many researchers the difficult task of searching dozens of individual passenger lists. The Hamburg Passenger Lists are a collection of records that contain comprehensive data on passengers departing Germany. If the emigrant boarded the ship in Hamburg, what Germans to America does not provide may be available in The Hamburg Passenger Lists. These coordinated schedules of arrival and departure records complement each other and can streamline your German family history research. This large-format book is arranged in tables and contains complete instructions for use.
Roger P. Minert, Ph.D., A.G.; Kathryn Boeckel; Caren Winters
(2005), 2007, 8.5″ x 11″, paper, 168 pp.
ISBN: 9780788436505