Finding Your Ancestral Village in the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire: Slovakia, Czechy, Ukraine, Galacia and Hungary, Second Edition
Explore your ancestral village which was located in Slovokia, Czechy, Hungary, parts of Ukraine, Galacia, and other areas in Central or Eastern Europe. Understand the impact of Eastern border changes and political and administrative divisions, and learn how to correctly identify perplexing place names.
The tools, tips, and techniques in this guide will help you understand the changing boundaries of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, identify the correct historical county, and inform your search for genealogical records.
Greatly expanded from the saddle-stappled 45-page first edition, this 196 page perfect-bound book is complete with the latest websites that allow immediate access to many online resources.
John A. Hudik and Lisa A. Alzo
2018, paper, 196 pp.
ISBN: 9781628909517