Desha County, Arkansas History and Biographical Sketches
Established in 1838, Desha County is located on the Mississippi River in southeastern Arkansas. This material was originally published by Goodspeed Publishing in the late 1800’s and this reprint contains memoirs and biographies of the early pioneers. Because the information was compiled by the referenced family, it should be very accurate and detailed. This volume also contains a brief history of the county as it developed up to the time this volume was written in the 1880s.
John G. Warfield, sheriff and collector, Arkansas City, Ark. There is probably no man within the limits of Desha County who is deserving of more credit for the interest he has taken in its behalf than Mr. Warfield, and the brief facts here presented indicate to more than an ordinary degree the relations which he has borne to the county’s development. He owes his nativity to Washington County, Miss., where his birth occurred in December, 1841, and is the fourth child born to the union of W. P. and Maria (Griffith) Warfield, the father a native of Kentucky and the mother of Mississippi…etc…
Goodspeed Publishing Company
2004, paper, 64 pp.
ISBN: 9780788498343