CD: The Swedish Element in America: A Comprehensive History of Swedish-American Achievements from 1638 to the Present Day
Including a Biographical History of The Outstanding Swedish Men and Women Who Occupy Prominent Places In All Walks of Life In The United States Today In Three Volumes
“In Sweden the descriptions of conditions in America found the more ready hearers as, ever since the time of the Vikings, the Swedes have had a love of roving and adventure in their blood. Another…dominating cause of the increased Swedish emigration in the nineteenth century was economic depression at home. By emigrating many Swedes succeeded in attaining a better economic position, and the reports of their success determined hosts of others to follow in their footsteps…During the nineteenth century the Swedish immigrants devoted themselves more than immigrants of other nationalities to agriculture…The Swedish agricultural settlers settled down from preference in the states near the Great Lakes…” Later immigrants were, in large part, industrial workers, who settled in the towns. Although the Swedish settlers were absorbed into the American population, a great part of their Swedish inheritance was preserved through church activities, educational institutions, the Swedish-American press and associations and societies with social, economic, political, artistic, sporting, and musical aims. Volumes One and Two cover the history of the Swedish emigration throughout the United States while Volume Three offers biographical sketches of prominent Swedish men and women. Hundreds of illustrations highlight the text and subject, place and full names indexes provide easy access to information.
Swedish-American Biographical Society
(1931) , 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 3 CD-ROM Set, 1571 pp.
ISBN: 9780788428678