CD: The Pioneers of Madison and Hancock Counties, Indiana
Now on CD-ROM! The bulk of this book is made up of biographical sketches of several thousand residents of Madison and Hancock counties, Indiana. Most of the principals were born in the late 1700s or early 1800s and came primarily from Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Ohio. Most sketches are about one page in length and cover vital statistics, names of spouses and children, occupations, residences, civil and military service, organization memberships, and political affiliation, when known. Historical sketches appear occasionally and cover such aspects as the townships with rosters of their early settlers and several transcribed letters for Madison County, and two transcribed letters, several poems, Hancock Lodge #101 F. and A. M. with member rosters, and Gilboa Church for Hancock County. New full name index.
Samuel Harden
(1895), 2003, CD-ROM, index, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v5, PC or Mac, 496 pp.
ISBN: 9780788424168