CD: The Log of a Forty-Niner: Journal of a Voyage from Newbery-port to San Francisco in the Brig Genl Worth Commanded by Capt. Samuel Walton
Richard Hale’s ancestors came from England to New England in pioneer days. Of the three brothers to leave England, his ancestor settled in Newbury. “From that sturdy stock came Nathan Hale, the ‘martyr spy,’ and back in England Sir Mathew Hale, famed as the only judge judging righteous judgment in an unrighteous time.” In 1857 Richard married Hannah Sewell Perley, a descendant of Allen Perley who sailed for America in Governor Winthrop’s fleet. Through his personal journal, Richard Hale tells not only his own adventures in a young San Francisco and in the wild, unsettled northwest, but also presents the history unfolding around him. Also included are illustrations made from pencil drawings by the author in his journal kept during his trip to and from the gold fields of California in 1849 to 1854.
Carolyn Hale Russ
(1923), 2005, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 214 pp.
ISBN: 9780788435485