CD: Preliminary Inventory of the Administrative Records of the Bureau of Pensions and the Pension Service: Record Group 15, No. 55
“The records described in this inventory are fragmentary, but they comprise all the administrative records now identifiable as records of the Bureau of Pensions and the Pension Service. Except for two series noted below, the records described are records of the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Pensions. Most of them are materials that were acquired by the Pension Bureau Library. Records concerning personnel administration by the Chief Clerk (described in entries 24-27, 31-36, and 38-39) were transferred to the Personnel Division in the Veterans’ Administration and were sent to the National Archives along with the records of the Pension Bureau Library. Two series of records-a register relating to personnel, maintained by the Finance Division of the Pension Bureau (entry 37) and correspondence of the Chief Surgeon of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, which became the Bureau of National Homes in the Veterans’ Administration (entry 45)-were transferred from the Personnel Division of the Veterans’ Administration to the National Archives along with the Chief Clerk’s administrative personnel records. The records covered by this inventory have been rearranged as far as possible by subject in order that they may be more easily used for reference purposes. Under each subject they are in general arranged in the order of the importance of the offices that created them.”
Thayer M. Boardman, Myra R. Trever, and Louise W. Southwick
(1953), 2007, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat v6, PC or Mac, 22 pp.
ISBN: 9780788440236