CD: New York, Volume 3
This CD-ROM contains electronic image reprints of the following four works of New York history:
Genealogical Gleanings Abstracted from the Early Newspaper of Penn Yan, Yates County, New York 1823-1833 and 1841-1855 Dianne Stenzel (1991). The abstracts in this volume are complied from the Yates County Republican and Yates County Whig. The author has included well over 6,000 names. Information is presented chronologically and taken mostly from death and marriage notices, but also from relocation notices, birth notices, and biographical write-ups. Included are maps of early 1800s western New York and Yates County, a general index of names, and an index listing individuals who were mentioned with connections to the Revolutionary War.
Genealogical Gleanings Abstracted from the “Yates County Chronicle” Penn Yan, New York, May 1856 to October 1867 Dianne Stenzel (1992). Marriage and death data for citizens of Yates County, New York. Public notices and accounts of events are found throughout the records, as well as a list of “distinguished dead,” information about missing persons and found bodies. It is often noted in both the death and marriage records if a person is “colored.”
Notable Men of Rochester and Vicinity Dwight J. Stoddard (1902). This text offers an array of portraits of the prominent and noteworthy men of the city and county of Rochester. Included are lists of local authors and their works, important local inventions and a full name index to portraits.
Semi-Centennial History of the City of Rochester William F. Peck (1884). This book stands as an enduring record of Rochester, from the earliest times to the fiftieth birthday of the city. Included are biographical sketches, illustrations, and a full name index. The books are presented as graphic images, so the user sees the works just as they were originally published. They are intended to look and function very much like “real” books, i.e., the user looks for entries of interest in the table of contents or index, and then turns to the page cited and scans it for the desired information. Although there are no electronic indexes, numerous electronic bookmarks have been added which make it easy to navigate through the books and indexes, and to jump from one book to another.
Heritage Books Archives
2000, CD-ROM, Graphic Images, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, 1686 pp.
ISBN: 9780788412516