CD: Missouri Methodism
Contains: ***Reverend Swann Pastor Records – compiled by Betty Sue Foy (2000). Reverend Edward Colfax Swann was a Methodist minister in MO, 1892-1915. He preformed 92 marriages which were recorded (1899-1914), along with various records pertaining to the members of his congregation. ***Centennial Volume of Missouri Methodism – Marcus L. Gray and Ware M. Baker (1906). Contains biographical sketches of many of the prominent people in the first 100 years of Methodism in MO. Illustrated. ***Martydom in Missouri Volumes 1 and 2 – Rev. W. M. Leftwich (1870). Contains the history of Methodism in MO. Chapters include: political excitement of 1859 and 1860; division of the church in 1844; the murder of Rev. J. Fewel; church seizures, and prominent men within the church. ***The History of Methodism in Missouri – Rev. W. H. Lewis (1890). A second history of Methodism in MO, 1860-1870. A full name index is included. ***Sketches of Methodism in Northwest Missouri with Brief Semi-Centennial Notes – C. I. Van Deventer (1894). Begins with the entrance of Methodist church into Northwest MO to 1844. Some circuits and districts covered include: Richmond, Plattsburg, Platte City, Gallatin, St. Joseph, and others. A full name index is included. *** Annals of Methodism in Missouri – W. S. Woodward (1893). Outline of the ministerial life of over 1000 preachers, with biographical sketches of more than 300.
Heritage Books Archives
2000, CD-ROM, Adobe Acrobat, PC or Mac, c3852 pp.
ISBN: 9780788415234