Births, Deaths and Marriages from the Platte City, Missouri “Landmark”, August 18, 1875-December 31, 1877
This work is a compilation of transcribed birth, death and marriage notices from the Platte City Landmark newspaper, Platte County, Missouri. The entries cover September 1874 through December 1877. Most of the entries are for deaths and marriages, with few birth entries. Birth entries generally include the date of birth, the sex of the child and the name of the father. Death entries vary greatly in length. The briefest death entries contain the full name and little else; whereas obituaries and longer entries may contain the date and place of death, cause of death, place of burial, name of relatives, and/or varying amounts of biographical information. Marriage entries typically contain the full names of the bride and the groom, place of marriage, and name of the official performing the ceremony. A full name index adds to the value of this work.
Kari L. Montagruff
2009, 8.5″ x 11″, paper, index, 134 pp.
ISBN: 9780788449413