Arkansas County, Arkansas Biographical and Historical Memoirs
Arkansas County, Arkansas was created in 1813; at that time, it covered the entire State. Now only the area located in the southeastern portion of the state retains the original name. The historical portion of the volume contains the history of the county from 1813 up to the time of the publication of the original material in the mid-1880s. The biographical sections were all submitted by the families themselves, therefore, they are more accurate than other sources.
Example from this volume:
Major M. M. Massey, a native of Tennessee, is the son of Isaac H. and Elizabeth (Crockett) Massey, who were born in South Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. Isaac Massey moved to Tennessee from South Carolina with his parents when a boy of six years, and afterward made that State his home, dying on the farm upon which his father located, in 1843, at the age of forty-three years. etc…etc…
Goodspeed Publishing Company
2005, paper, 51 pp.
ISBN: 9780788498176