Abstracts of Early Probate Records, Belmont County, Ohio (1802-1827)
After previously abstracting and publishing early Belmont County, Ohio, will books A, B, and C, it always concerned the author that those volumes seemed to begin quite late. Certainly, there had been some probate action prior to their commencement, hadn’t there? The abstracts in this volume provide the bridge from the early years to the first “official” lettered volumes. The probate records abstracted herein contain some vital information, which will supplement and complete those earlier abstract books. Abstracts typically include names and dates gleaned from wills, administration bonds, guardianship bonds, appraisals, sales, promissory notes, and more. This handy reference book will be a valuable aid to Belmont County researchers by providing a wealth of names, revealing relationships, confirming associations, or providing clues. An extensive full-name index adds to the value of this work.
Lorraine Indermill Quillon
2023, paper, 88 pp.
ISBN: 9780788426377