1860 Sequatchie County, Tennessee Census Records
Sequatchie County, Tennessee is located in the middle of Sequatchie Valley that divides east and middle Tennessee. It was created in 1857 out of Hamilton County, and this is the first census under its own name. It includes the dwelling and family number, names, age, sex, race, occupation and the place of birth of each individual. This is the second census to list each individual living within the households, thus making this a very important pre-Civil War record.
Example from this volume:
Page 29 – #220 #184 HACKWORTH, Austin 69M farmer NC; Elizabeth 56 F TN; Levi 22M farm laborer TN; William 19M farm laborer TN; Elizabeth 17F TN.
James L. Douthat
paper, 18 pp.
ISBN: 9780788471247