Pierce Genealogy, Being the Record of the Posterity of Thomas Pierce
An Early Inhabitant of Charlestown, and Afterwards Charlestown Village (Woburn), in New England, with Wills, Inventories, Biographical Sketches, etc.
English-born Thomas Pierce (c1583-1666) is the emigrant ancestor of this branch of the Pierce family. Thomas and his wife, Elizabeth, came from England to the New World in c1633-4 and settled in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Records for ten generations contain (as available): date of birth, date of marriage, name of spouse, date of death, place of residence, varying amounts of biographical information, and names of children. Genealogical data is also provided for spouse and children. Brief biographical sketches have been provided for notable family members such as Governor Benjamin Pierce and President Franklin Pierce.
Pierce, Peirce, Pers, Perse, and Pieirce are among the spellings documented within the same family. Other variations of the name include: Par, Piers, Pierce, Pears, Pearse, Peers, Parsons, Pearsons, Pierson, Peterson, Perrin, Perren, Perret, Perrett, Parrot, Parret, Peterkin, Perkin, Parkin, Parkinson, Perk, and Perke. This volume offers a full-name Pierce-only index, a town and city index, signatures, portraits, extracts from wills, and the Pierce coat of arms. A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers in New England, by the name of Pierce (however spelled), showing three generations of those who came before May 1692, on the basis of Farmer’s and Savage’s Registers’ is followed by a listing of college graduates (1775-1876).
Frederic Beech Pierce
(1882, 2001), 2015, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, indices, 392 pp.
ISBN: 9780788417207