A Record of the Descendants of John Alexander of Lanarkshire, Scotland
And his wife, Margaret Glasson, who emigrated from County Armagh, Ireland, to Chester County, Pennsylvania, A.D. 1736
This work presents a genealogical and historical survey of both male and female lines extending from John Alexander (born c1700) of Lanarkshire, Scotland, to the 1870s. Following a brief introductory note detailing the family’s early history in Scotland, the text is divided into four parts focusing on the descendants of each of John’s children: Hugh, James, Rachel and John. His daughter Margaret died without issue.
Part I, The Family and Descendants of Hugh Alexander, of Sherman’s Valley, Pennsylvania, covers the families and descendants of: Margaret Alexander Hamilton of Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania; John Alexander of Little Valley, Pennsylvania; Mary Alexander Clark of Sherman’s Valley, Perry County, Pennsylvania; David Alexander of St. Clair County, Illinois; Hugh Alexander of Tuscarora Valley, Juniata County, Pennsylvania; James Alexander of McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; William Alexander of Centre County, Pennsylvania; and, Emily Alexander Evans of McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Part II, The Family and Descendants of James Alexander, of Kishacoquillas, Pennsylvania, covers the families and descendants of: Jane Alexander Brown of Kishacoquillas Valley, Pennsylvania; Robert Alexander, Esq., of Kishacoquillas Valley, Pennsylvania; Elizabeth Alexander Wakefield of Spencer County, Kentucky; John Alexander of Logan’s Springs, Kishacoquillas, Pennsylvania; James Alexander of Spring Run, Kishacoquillas, Pennsylvania; Hugh Alexander of Stone Valley, Pennsylvania; Rachel Alexander Semple of Stone Valley, Pennsylvania; William Brown Alexander of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania; Rosa Alexander Taylor of Montgomery County, Ohio; and, Joseph Alexander.
Part III, The Family and Descendants of Rachel Alexander Vance, of Martinsburgh, Virginia, covers the families and descendants of: Samuel Vance of Stone Valley, Pennsylvania; John, Alexander, and Joseph Vance of Ohio; and, Rachel V. Porterfield of Martinsburg, Virginia.
Part IV covers the families and descendants of: John Alexander of Chambersburgh, Pennsylvania; John Alexander of Greene Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania; and, Margaret Alexander. An appendix provides sketches of other Alexander families independent of those discussed in the previous sections.
Rev. John E. Alexander
(1878, 1999), 2016, 5.5″ x 8.5″, paper, index, 244 pp.
ISBN: 9780788412219